Toote eelised
3,0tonnise kahveltõstuki kinnitusklambriga pika õlaga paberirullklambrite seadmed koos Hiina Xinchai C490 mootoriga, hüdrauliline ülekanne, USA EATON hüdrauliline rooliklapi, SHIMADZU õlipumba, täisvedrustusega šassii.See on laialt levinud igasuguste kaupade, näiteks kaubaaluste, teras, tellis jne.Shantui on teinud KOMATSU-ga koostööd enam kui 30 aastat, kogu toode on valmistatud KOMATSU standardi järgi.
Mootor | Mudel | HUAMAI C490 | |
Nimiväljund | 40/2650 | Kw / p / min | |
Nimimoment | 165/1800 | N · m / p / min | |
Silindri number | 4 | ||
Puur × löök | 90 × 105 | mm | |
Nihkumine | 2.7 | L | |
Mõõtmed | Tõstekõrgus | 3000 | mm |
LxWxH (kahvliga / ilma) | 3779 (2709) x1226x2140 | mm | |
Pöörderaadius | 2450 | mm | |
Masti kaldenurk (F / R) | 6/12 | Kraad | |
Etendus | Sõidukiirus (täiskoormus / koormus puudub) | 19/20 | Km / h |
Tõstekiirus (koos / ilma) koormaga | 420/450 | mm / sek | |
Maksimaalne liigitatavus | 20 | % | |
Omakaalu | 4560 | Kg | |
Ratas ja rehvid | Esikülg | 28 × 9-15-14PR | |
Tagumine | 6.50-10-10PR | ||
Teljevahe | 1700 | mm | |
Minimaalne kliirens (mast) | 110 | mm |
Seisund: uus
Päritolukoht: HUAMAI, Hiina (Mandri)
Kaubamärk: HUAMAI
Tüüp: mootoriga kaubaaluste tõstuk
Power Souce: diiselmootor
Nimivõimsus: 3000kg
Maks. Tõstekõrgus: 8000mm
Min Tõstekõrgus: 3000mm
Kahvli pikkus: 1070mm
Kahvli laius: 122mm
Üldmõõtmed: 3829x1226x2140mm
Sertifikaat: ISO9001 / ISO14001 / CE
Pakutakse müügijärgset teenindust: masinate hooldamiseks välismaal asuvad insenerid
Accseeory: mitu koormakäitlejat
Paper Roll clamps: China BRAND
Lisaseadmete kaal: 650KGS
Pööramine: 360 kraadi
Rullide vahemik: 200-1300mm
TÜÜPID: Fikseeritud lühike arm
Padja tüüp: valikuline
Rõhk: 35-160ba
Laadimismaht: 2tonni
Split long arm paper roll clamps are specialized attachments used for handling and transporting large rolls of paper. They attach to a forklift and hold the rolls securely in place, allowing the operator to easily pick up, move, and place the rolls.
The split long arm paper roll clamps consist of two arms that attach to the forks of the forklift and a clamp mechanism in the center. The arms are designed to split apart, making it easier to place the rolls in the desired position. The clamp mechanism is designed to securely hold the rolls in place, reducing the risk of injury and damage to the load and the environment.
One of the main advantages of the split long arm paper roll clamps is their versatility. They can handle a wide range of large rolls of paper, making them a convenient accessory for a variety of material handling tasks. The split arms also make it easier to transport the rolls, reducing the risk of injury to the operator and other workers.
Another advantage of the split long arm paper roll clamps is their efficiency. They make it easier to handle and transport the rolls, reducing the time and effort required to complete the task. This makes them more cost-effective and time-efficient, saving companies time and money in the long run.
In conclusion, split long arm paper roll clamps are a useful tool for handling and transporting large rolls of paper. They are versatile, efficient, and cost-effective, and are an essential tool for companies that handle heavy loads on a regular basis.